Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Eve

     I don't make resolutions. I never have, and as this blog has proven over and over again I am terrible at setting goals. Even worse at sticking to them, and hardly ever accomplish them. Even though this really has been such a great year for my family, the last few weeks have had me stressed out and feeling negative. The great thing about this year is that it's done. I'm going to accept that it's over, and move on to next year. I'm going to forget all the negative things that I've been feeling down about and start the new year refreshed, with out goals, and with out pressure.

     Tomorrow I'm going to update my stats, post my pictures, and essentially start over. Not really, because I have worked hard these last few months. I'm just going to use the new year to refocus and concentrate on what I want to be doing and where I want to be and take it day by day.

     Happy new years eve and as always remember not to drink and drive! Be safe!!

1 comment:

  1. Awww Sweetie! Hugs.
    I've had many a year end like yours.
    Here's to fresh starts xoxo
    Happy New Year!
